18663 Ventura Blvd, Suite 202, Tarzana CA 91356

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Heart U -- Weight Loss, featuring Lori Manby

As part of my mission to educate and empower my patients, I am holding monthly Heart-U educational sessions.  This month's session, coming  up on Monday, April 23 at 6:30 pm in my office will feature the topic of weight loss.
I've had countless discussions with my patients about weight loss.  Losing weight, and then maintaining a healthy weight for the long term, is a goal that eludes many.

Lori Manby has succeeded.  She lost 80 lbs and had maintained that weight loss.  She uses the Weight Watchers program to guide her food choices. She has used her experience to pay it forward by founding the support group Vegans of Weight Watchers.

Her story is compelling.  And if you're struggling with weight loss, she's the perfect person for your to hear from.

Please attend her talk this coming Monday, April 23.  You can RSVP here, or call my office at 818-938-9505.

Read more about Lori here in Weight Watchers' online magazine

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