18663 Ventura Blvd, Suite 202, Tarzana CA 91356

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Going Green

When I moved here, I was excited to be living in a greener community, one where people care about the environment. After all, I recycle everything I possibly can. It almost pains me to throw a piece of paper in the trash.

So, I was absolutely stunned to find out that my apartment didn't recycle anything! And neither did my office! Over the past few months I've collected my recyclables from home and hauled them up to my brother's place whenever I had the excuse to visit and play with my niece. In hopes that my apartment might consider recycling, I contacted the city to see if they might be able to talk our management into recycling.

Today I received a pleasant surprise -- a flyer on my door saying that my apartment now recycles bottles, cans and plastics! They don't recycle paper, but this is a nice start.

And, since joining the cardiology practice where I'm at, we now recycle pop cans. I've even gotten them to go vegan for lunch on my birthday, which is definitely a green thing to do. I'd love to see them recycle paper.
So, speak up -- you can make change happen.
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um yeah said...

Good for you. It bugs me so much when I am in a place where there is no recycling. This happened when I was studying in Ireland. I almost cried when I threw out a soda can.

Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

I'm really enjoying your backblog tonight. You are amazing! If I ever need a Cardiologist, I want you. I love all your passions and perspectives.

BTW--I can't through a banana peel out.