Every get in one of those moods where you're tired out and all you want is comfort food?
I tried out the "Fabulous French Toast I" from How it all Vegan! by Tanya Barnard and Sarah Kramer. I made half of the recipe, which was enough liquid for three bagel halves and two slices of bread. On the plate accompanying the french toast is some avocado (why not?), and on the side a sliced Granny Smith apple.
The french toast came out perfectly! While all I planned on was two bagel halves, I ended up eating the third. The two slices of bread will serve as lunch tomorrow with fruit.
I think I could make this recipe for my lacto-ovo veg family and they'd like it. Heck, I'll bet this could even tempt my girlie Stella across the pond.
I love Vegan Knitter's Christmas Feast. We have a few holiday parties coming up, and I just might bring her Shepherd Pie with me to one of them.
French toast is meant to have moisture, which could mean "eggy". I used a mixture of soy milk, flour, sugar, vanilla, and nutritional yeast.
Nutritional yeast?
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