What are you doing for Thanksgiving?
In my family of mostly vegetarians, we have a Tofurky and a lasagna (for the Tofurky-haters), along with all the usualy trimmings. That is, of course, after the Detroit Lions manage to choke on national television.
This year, the family isn't gathering until the weekend after Thanksgiving. So, I have the opportunity to make a Thanksgiving dinner!!!!
There will be Tofurky, some kind of pasta, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, yams, cranberry sauce, and I don't know what else. For dessert, I'm going to find a vegan pumpkin pie.
If you know me and you live in Boston and are looking for somewhere to go for Thanksgiving, drop a comment and let me know :) the more the merrier!!!!!!!!
Sounds like quite a feast. We already had our thanksgiving here in Canada. I love the excuse to make great food!
I just tried the Impossible Vegan Pumpkin Pie from http://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2006/10/and-answer-is.html - it was very good and easy - mine didn't form much of a crust 'though.
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