18663 Ventura Blvd, Suite 202, Tarzana CA 91356

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Plantar Fasciitis Update

I'm trying to be good. I've been icing, stretching, taking loads of ibuprofen, walking around on my heels, then toes, and icing and stretching some more. I do not want to miss too much running -- running keeps me sane, calm, and in shape. However, my stubbornness has caused past injuries to linger far too long, so I know I have to take it easy if I'm hurt.

I just ran for the first time since Monday, for about half an hour at the gym on the treadmill, just in case I had foot pain and had to bail out and *shudder* use the elliptical machine. The run went surprisingly well, with only a minor amount of pain after the run. Tomorrow morning I'm going to run outdoors for an hour.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hah, I was wondering the same thing! :-> Alas, I'll keep pushing the elliptical envelope a while longer, while I continue my weight loss--still a good long way to go, and I want to be kind to my joints. Looking forward to running more, though.

Hope the return to running continues to go well.