My resolution is to do more yoga and to stretch.
Me and my nieces doing yoga on the Wii Fit |
In the past, I've been of the mindset that you train hard to get better. Which to some extent is true. But, it's important to take care of your body too. Yoga helps to strengthen and stretch. Massage is good too. I think that a combination of massage and yoga has helped improve and nearly resolve a hip flexor strain that I had been dealing with over the past few months.
Hi Heather,
I'm sure this isn't the right post to make this comment on, but I'm not sure it will be read if I put it on a different post. Anyway, several former vegans have recently come out to say they have left veganism due to health reasons (Voracious Vegan is the first that comes to mind; Debbie Does Raw and Vegan Lunchbox are others and I've read several "interviews" on Let Them Eat Meat). As a vegan doctor who recommends a vegan/vegetarian diet for her patients, I was wondering about your take on this. Obviously, you don't know their medical history, but I'd love to hear your perspective. If you don't feel comfortable (either as a vegan or a doctor) commenting, I totally understand though! Thanks!
Hi Melissa,
People who consume more animal products are more likely to have heart disease, diabetes, obesity, gout, and other health problems. Further, in clinical trials, vegan diets have been demonstrated to improve or cure many illnesses.
But I'm far from being a purist, and my approach is to encourage my patients to come as close as possible to eating a plant-based unprocessed diet with as few animal products as possible.
I have been vegan for nearly six years. My exercise habits are more strenuous than those of most other people, and yet this is a diet that I not only thrive on, but also have seen my athletic abilities improve even as I have gotten older.
There is no physiologic need to consume animal products. A pure vegan diet may be lacking in B12 and therefore a supplement in the form of a multivitamin or other food with B12 added is appropriate for good health.
I looked at the Let Them Eat Meat site, and I think Rhys raises some valid points, such as us becoming purists and alienating others. For me, though, I embrace veganism and encourage my patients to lean in that direction as well for their health.
Hi again Heather,
Thanks for your quick response. You know, I read so many "Vegan is the healthiest, vegan is the best" articles and I was so taken aback when I started discovering all of these people who turned away from the diet and lifestyle when their health took a turn. I'm not really sure what to think anymore, but it's nice to have someone's input who is in the medical field and who actually is a vegan. Thanks again!
My name is Deya and I have a veg food blog that has been inspired by blogs like yours. Please take a peek. I hope you like it and will continue to visit to check out my food, and my delicious pictures (I'm constantly working on improving my skills). I would LOVE it if you also became a follower or added my blog to your roll, I have you on mine. Thank you!
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