Have some fun of your own: http://www.ronaldmchummer.com/index.php
Back in the day, I did work fast food at Hardees of Farmington Hills, Michigan. At seventeen, I was the queen of the drive thru. One customer requested extra salt for his fries. I threw a few salt packets in his bag. He looked inside, unsatisfied with the amount of salt and demanded more. I grabbed a generous handful of salt packets, dropped them in his bag, and said, "Your arteries will thank you, sir. Have a nice day."
From that point, maybe I should have known I was going to end up a cardiologist.
Another classic moment was a day when me and two other college-bound vegetarians were working the front line. A customer walked in and asked us what we recommended off the menu. We looked at each other and laughed. "Ummm... we're all vegetarians...."
Oh that is great, Vegan Doc. I laughed so hard at your signs and your blog entry. Well done! Truth is stranger than fiction.
Thank you for the smile on my face right now!
This is a riot!! As a vegan RN, (writing on a vegan MD's blog) here's mine!!
My Sign
when i was a kid I lived on the east coast and I ate hardies A LOT.
i bet my heart wasn't too happy with that
good thing i'm nice to it now!
Ha, ha! Can you frame these and hange them in your office?
I stopped eating most fast food after the chicken head incident at McDeathburger. I sometimes eat at Subway or Chipotle or Moe's Southwest Grill, but that's because they have decent veg options.
Your signs are too funny Vegan Doc!
TOO Funny!
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