It's good to be back home, and I'm cooking to make up for lost time!
Pre-made pizza dough from the freezer aisle at Whole Foods, Trader Joe's pizza sauce, frozen spinach, and frozen pineapple. Stretch out the dough, add the toppings, and cook in the oven for 25 minutes at 425 degrees.
I suppose you could add soy cheese, but who needs cheese when you have good toppings?
The vegan pizza sounds great, must try it myself. Cannot get vegan cheese here (actually when overseas I tasted it and it was horrid) so try to make my toppings tasty enough to stand on their own.
Thanks for popping by :)
How delightful! Yum! You've been a D-lish food mag-nate! Way to go!
i agree...no need for cheese when you've got good topings
megan the vegan
Great pizza, Vegan Doc!
And L'shana Tova to you...
Got any kid-friendly topping ideas? I hate to give Ryan something different when all of his friends are having pizza at all of the birthday parties. I usually end up taking the cheese off of his...
Hmmm, I've never been a fan of pineapple on things. Though I do love pineapple by itself!
I'm with you on why cheese if you have good toppings!
Oh yeah, L'Shana tovah!
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