There isn't much left in my kitchen. This recipe used canola oil, mustard seeds, an onion, mung beans soaked overnight, half a can of stewed tomatoes, and the usual variety of spices that I like to use for my versions of Indian food -- turmeric, coriander, cumin, chili powder, paprika, ground pepper, and sea salt.
Accompanying the dal was a slice of whole grain bread covered in Earth Balance.
YUM! Glad you had time to make something nutritious (ummm... well, fluffernutters are SORTA nutritious...)!
Hope the move's goin' smooth, VeganDoc.
I have some mung beans in my house right now.. I've never eaten them and have NO idea what to do with them.. What do they taste like??
they were an impulse buy at the asian store
i <3 dahl. now more than ever.
mung beans are really really tastyy!! u shud definitely try em!!
awesome looking daal!
I love me some dahl.. the split mung beans make it soo much better than red lentils.
A perfect cupboard cleaner recipe!
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